At Keys Dental Specialists, we are dedicated to offering exceptional dental filling services aimed at restoring the health and functionality of your teeth. Our skilled team of dental professionals utilizes cutting-edge techniques to deliver high-quality fillings that seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. Whether you have a new cavity, minor dental damage, or need to replace an existing filling, our expertise ensures outstanding results.
The dental filling process at our Key West office starts with our experienced dentists meticulously removing any decayed or compromised tooth material. We prioritize preserving as much healthy tooth structure as possible to maintain the long-term strength and stability of your tooth. After preparing the tooth, we expertly apply and shape the filling material to achieve a secure and natural-looking fit. Using advanced curing methods, we solidify the filling, ensuring a durable and long-lasting restoration.
Following the placement of your dental filling, our attentive dentists conduct a thorough occlusal adjustment to ensure proper bite alignment and optimal comfort. We evaluate both the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the restored tooth, making any necessary adjustments to achieve the best possible outcome. To help maintain the longevity of your filling, we provide detailed aftercare instructions, including personalized advice on oral hygiene practices and dietary recommendations.
At Keys Dental Specialists, we recognize that even minor dental issues can affect your overall well-being. Therefore, we offer comprehensive dental care that addresses all aspects of your oral health. Our team is always available to answer your questions and address any concerns, ensuring you feel confident and informed throughout your treatment. Trust us to enhance your smile with our expert filling services and dedication to patient-centered care.
Understanding the range of choices that are available to relieve anxiety and discomfort is crucial when looking for the right surgeon to perform your dental implants. Listed below are the three most common sedation options.
The dentist will discuss the treatment options based on the examination findings. This will include a conversation about the different types of dental fillings such as amalgam, composite, ceramic, or gold. They will explain the benefits and considerations of each type, and provide detailed information about the chosen filling material, including its properties, durability, aesthetics, and suitability for the specific tooth.
Administration of local anesthesia is provided to ensure a painless and comfortable treatment experience. We will discuss the numbing sensation and its duration, as well as address any concerns or questions regarding anesthesia.
Removal of decayed or damaged tooth structure is performed using dental instruments, such as drills or lasers, to ensure preservation of healthy tooth structure. The cavity is then shaped and cleaned to create an ideal environment for the dental filling.
The procedure involves selecting and placing the right dental filling material according to the treatment plan. The filling material is layered to ensure it properly adapts and contours to restore the natural shape and functionality of the tooth. Finally, the filling material is cured or hardened using a specialized light or other techniques.
Rediscover the joy of a confident smile. Our state-of-the-art advanced treatment solutions ensure that you're not just undergoing a procedure, but investing in a lifetime of laughter, conversations, and shared moments. Whether you require a simple cleaning or seek a complete smile transformation, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way.
Keys Dental Specialists specializes in comprehensive dentistry, from preventative exams and cleanings to complex dental implants, sedation, and oral surgery. With 50+ years of combined expertise, we serve Key West and all of Monroe County.
We offer our patients a detailed treatment approach and help them with cost-effective payment solutions
A single implant(s) can support a crown to replace just one missing tooth, which is significantly more durable and natural than traditional bridges.
Starting at
$95 Per Month.
Occasionally, a patient is missing more than one tooth but still has healthy gums and surrounding teeth. In this case, two or more implants are placed, and the crowns are attached, leaving the teeth intact.
Starting at
$195 Per Month.
Patients who need to replace a full upper and/or lower set of teeth can now opt for full mouth implants. Our oral surgeon will place 4 implants and then attach a full arch of teeth.
Starting at
$300 Per Month.
There are several types of dental fillings, including amalgam (silver) fillings, composite (tooth-colored) fillings, ceramic fillings, and gold fillings. The choice of filling material depends on factors such as the location of the tooth, aesthetic preferences, and budget..
A filling is an effective treatment for various dental issues, especially cavities. It can also take care of some dental fractures or cracked teeth. The bonding or filling material used is also capable of repairing holes and cracks.
Not at all. Our dentist uses gentle techniques and thorough numbing medication to ensure your comfort at all times. Chances are that the only thing you’ll feel during the filling is a little bit of pressure. We’ll even use a topical numbing gel before administering any local anesthetic.
Most dental fillings last about 10-20 years, depending on the patient and material used. As newer products are perfected, fillings have the potential to last longer than before. However, your home care and dietary habits will also play a role! If you aren’t flossing every day or have a high intake of processed carbs and sugars, your filling may need to be replaced within a couple of years because of new decay.
Only if there’s enough healthy tooth structure left. Otherwise, an extremely large filling in a small shell of tooth won’t be able to withstand biting and chewing (causing the tooth to break apart over time.) Whereas crowns cover the entire tooth, equally distributing biting pressure and protecting the tooth underneath it.
Dental bonding is usually placed over healthy teeth with surface flaws, such as pits or chipped enamel, or to fill in gaps. Whereas fillings fill in open cavities inside of the tooth. However, the materials that are used are basically identical. They bond directly to the tooth and the color blends in with everything around it.
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